A collective

We strive to improve people processes to the benefit of employees and customers. We are able to help companies increase their employee engagement by designing processes based upon evidence. We engage in helping companies advance their customer experience through evidence based processes.


A world where people are enthusiastic and engaged in what they do


“We have a passion for helping companies engaging their employees and delivering great customer experiences”

We believe in

All companies has the potential for creating high employee engagement and great experiences

Who are we?

We develop and implement people processes across organisations, with the purpose of growing company revenue or company profit. Past experience includes setting up a new TV station, establishing a global measurement system for Internet usage, managing a leading consultancy for user driven innovation and improving reputation for a global B2B company. 

We have been designing and running the Global Customer Experience and the Global Employee Engagement Program for ISS – one of the largest service companies in the world.






How do we work?

1We are collaborative. We work with you to frame the problem or opportunity space to ensure we are solving the right challenge. We are flexible and adaptive to fit your needs and context. We run projects with small, focused teams.

2We are insight driven. We gather and synthesize employee and customer insight. We use a combination of data-driven quantitative research and market with user testing to provide insights to drive Employee Engagement and Customer Experience

3 We work with all stakeholders. We believe that the best processes are the ones that are shaped by the people who use them. We take time to understand the business challenge or opportunity