Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a broad construct that touches almost all parts of human resource management.

There exists no precise definition of what employee engagement means, but the closest we get is the involvement with and enthusiasm for work.

Why should companies invest in Employee Engagement?

The answer is because employee engagement is interwoven significantly with important business outcomes.

Studies have found positive relationship between employee engagement and organizational performance outcomes, such as: 

  • Employee retention
  • Productivity
  • Profitability
  • Customer loyalty
  • Safety

The effect of an engaged employee

Engaged employees consistently demonstrates three general behaviours which improve organizational performance:

1) The employee advocates for the organization to co-workers, and refers potential employees and customers

2) The employee has an intense desire to be a member of the organization despite opportunities to work elsewhere 

3) The employee exerts extra time, effort and initiative to contribute to the success of the business

How do I get my employees engaged?

The Douglas Collective have been working with one of the world’s largest facility service companies ISS, to execute The Global Employee Engagement Project.

If you’re interested in hearing more - get in touch!