The story behind the name

We got some very positive responses to our company name. Not surprisingly quite a few people has asked for the story behind the name.
We did spend a lot of time discussing a name for the company. It had to be something vibrant and reflecting our desire to make a change. We had a gross list of 10-15 names around topics like HUMAN, PREDICTION, ANTICIPATE and CUSTOMERS.

Then we thought about the things that gave us passion and Port Douglas came up quickly.

  • Douglas
    We have a passion for the name Douglas. We got the itch back in 2006 when we first visited Port Douglas in North Queensland, Australia.

    We fell in love with a region, that has so much to offer – the tropical rainforest, Great Barrier Reef, The Outback and Atherton Tableland. We have been back several times since and we have named our Mini Schnauzer Douglas.

  • The Collective
    A collective is a group that share or are motivated by at least one common issue or interest, or work together to achieve a common objective.

    A Working Collective is a partnership of individual professionals, recognizing them as equals and rewarding them for their expertise. The working collective aims to reduce costs to clients while maintaining healthy rewards for participating partners.

people deserves to be engaged in their work!The Douglas Collective